The Women of Beaver Hall: Canadian Modernist Painters by Evelyn Walters

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The Women of Beaver Hall: Canadian Modernist Painters by Evelyn Walters
square, 8vo. pp. 191. profusely illustrated. bibliography. index. bds. dw. Toronto: Dundurn Press, [2005].
ISBN-10: 1550025880 / ISBN-13: 9781550025880

Ten women artists, counterparts of the Group of Seven, are finally being given their due. Long overlooked by critics and historians, they are today amongst the most sought-after Canadian painters. The Beaver Hall Group ventured into a male-dominated art world, lived remarkable lives, and produced exceptional work.

This beautifully produced book portrays the life and work of Emily Coonan, Nora Collyer, Prudence Heward, Mabel Lockerby, Mabel May, Sarah Robertson, Anne Savage, and Ethel Seath. Long-lost catalogues, old newspaper reviews, and personal papers document their story, and more than 60 reproductions bring to light paintings that have lain hidden for more than fifty years.

With clear and concise style directed to the aficionado and scholar alike, this book is the ultimate reference on the Beaver Hall women.