The Underground Railroad: Next Stop, Toronto! by Adrienne Shadd, Afua Cooper & Karolyn Smardz Frost
square 8vo. pp. 92. b/w illustrations & map illustrations. bibliography. index. paperback (fine condition). Toronto: Natural Heritage Books, [2002].
Signed presentation copy. Signed by Afua Cooper on title page.
ISBN-10: 1896219861 / ISBN-13: 9781896219868
The Underground Railroad: Next Stop, Toronto!, a richly illustrated book, examines the urban connection of the clandestine system of secret routes, safe houses and "conductors." Not only does it trace the story of the Underground Railroad itself and how people courageously made the trip north to Canada and freedom, but it also explores what happened to them after they arrived. And it does so using never-before-published information on the African-Canadian community of Toronto. Based entirely on new research carried out for the experiential theatre show "The Underground Railroad: Next Stop, Freedom!" at the Royal Ontario Museum, this volume offers new insights into the rich heritage of the Black people who made Toronto their home before the Civil War. It portrays life in the city during the nineteenth century in considerable detail