Avedon: The Sixties by Richard Avedon and Doon Arbus
4to. pp. 235. profusely illustrated. hardcover. dw. New York: Random House, 1999.
New in publisher's shrink wrap & out-of-print.
ISBN-10: 0679409238 / ISBN-13: 9780679409236
The photographer Richard Avedon and the writer Doon Arbus began collaborating on this book thirty years ago. The photographs and interviews they did then remain faithful to what was, like the contents of a time capsule.
Meeting somebody and balling them means something, but it doesn't mean near as much as it used to. --Janis Joplin, September 1969
In a society where there is institutionalized oppression, the thing is to catch government and business in the grass--actually humping. --Florynce Kennedy, August 1969
The connection between all the rhetoric and all the poetry, between the words of a Black Panther and those of a rock star or a pacifist, between the scars of a pop artist and those of a napalm victim, have haunted and informed the structuring of this book, with its own peculiar version of a beginning, a middle, and an end.