The Flyer Vault: 150 Years of Toronto Concert History by Daniel Tate & Rob Bowman
Foreword by Geddy Lee
square, 8vo. pp. xxi, 305. profusely illustrated. wrs. Toronto: Dundurn, [2019].
ISBN-10: 1459745426 / ISBN-13: 9781459745421
The Flyer Vault: 150 Years of Toronto Concert History traces seminal live music moments in the city, including James Brown’s debut performance in the middle of a city-wide blackout, a then-unknown Jimi Hendrix backing up Wilson Pickett in 1966 — the year a new band from London named Led Zeppelin performed in Toronto six times — and the one and only show by the Notorious B.I.G., which almost caused a riot in the winter of 1995.
Complementing the book’s flyers is the story of the music, highlighting such iconic venues as Massey Hall, the Concert Hall/Rock Pile/Club 888, and the BamBoo, alongside lesser-known but equally important clubs such as Industry Nightclub and the Edge.