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The End Is Near: Visions of Apocalypse, Millennium and Utopia: Works from the American Visionary Art Museum

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The End Is Near: Visions of Apocalypse, Millennium and Utopia: Works from the American Visionary Art Museum by Roger Manley, Stephen Jay Gould, Howard Finster, Adam Parfrey, The Dalai Lama, John The Divine

square 4to. pp. 192. profusely illustrated. index. paperback (fine condition). [Los Angeles]: Dilettante Press, [1998].

Distributed by D.A.P. / Distributed Art Publishers.

ISBN-10: 0966427270 / ISBN-13: 9780966427271


The End is Near! maps the fervour haunting the human consciousness as the Millennium's final hour approaches. will it mean the dawning of a new Utopia or a terrifying descent into apocalyptic chaos? An unprecedented group of noted thinkers, from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Stephen Jay Gould to Reverend Howard Finster and Apocalypse culture expert Adam Parfrey, joins dozens of world-renowned visionary artists in wrestling with the answer.

Encounter the works of artists who often dwell on the shadowy fringes of society the recluses, the disenfranchised, the institutionalized, and the wildly eccentric brought together by curator Roger Manley for an amazing exhibition at the American Visionary Art Museum, the world's largest ever mounted on the subjects of Apocalypse, Millennium, and Utopia.

Sumptuously illustrated with full-colour reproductions throughout, The End is Near! provides a fascinating look at the sometimes shocking, always inspired imagery of our charged times.