Sustainable Urban Landscapes: The Surrey Design Charrette
A Project of the University of British Columbia James Taylor Chair in Landscape and Liveable Environments by Patrick M. Condon, Doug Kelbaugh & William R. Morrish
4to. pp. 96. profusely illustrated. paperback. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, [1996].
ISBN-10: 0888655355 / ISBN-13: 9780888655356
This book is about how to make our new neighbourhoods more sustainable than they are now. By sustainable, we mean the maintenance of the ecological health of our neighbourhoods and the provision of equitable access to affordable housing for our children. We hope that this book will be of interest to everyone; from the public officials and private developers who participate in developing and managing the urban landscape today to the secondary-school students who will shoulder these responsibilities tomorrow. This book includes four different designs for the same 400-acre site in Surrey, British Columbia, each design having been produced by a team of architects and landscape architects, working 'en charrette.'