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Sugluk: Sculpture in Stone 1953-1959 by Michael Neill & Ted Fraser

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Sugluk: Sculpture in Stone 1953-1959 by Michael Neill & Ted Fraser .

square 8vo. pp. 71. illustrated. bibliography. paperba. Windsor: Art Gallery of Windsor, 1992.


Rare & out-of-print.

ISBN-10: 0919837026 / ISBN-13: 9780919837027


Organized and circulated by the Art Gallery of Windsor with the assistance of The Canada Council, the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Ottawa, and the Ontario Arts Council.

Catalogue of an travelling exhibition held at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Art Gallery of Windsor, Nuckle Arts Museum, Burnaby Art Gallery, Koffler Art Centre, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Kitchener/Waterloo Art Gallery & Musee du Quebec from January 16, 1986 - November 22, 1987.