Sacred Stories, Timeless Tales: Mythic Perspectives in World Art by Denise M. Gerson
Contributions by Brian A. Dursum, Marcilene K. Wittmer, Perri Lee Roberts, Traci Ardren, Dorothy Downs, Ruth Rosenwasser & Angelica C. Hicks
4to. pp. 56. profusely illustrated. bibliography. paperback. [Miami: The Lowe Art Musuem, 2011].
ISBN-10: 0978821378 / ISBN-13: 9780978821371
Featuring some 100 paintings, drawings, ceramics, glass, and sculptures, the exhibition explores thematic connections between mythic traditions in world art, drawn from the Lowe’s permanent collection, which spans 5,000 years and represents the artistic traditions of both western and non-western cultures.