oblong 4to. pp. xvi, 156. profusely illustrated in b/w. hardcover. dw. (near fine - light shelf-wear, puncture to front cover by spine & surface abrasion to rear cover). Edmonds, Washington: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, [1998].
Harrington's willingness to go, literally, to the ends of the earth to photograph people rarely seen much less captured on film gives the large body of work both an anthropological as well as a personal character. He chronicled cultural celebrations that no longer exist and penetrated personal and cultural barriers that usually preclude such intimate photography. While widely known for his excursions into isolated Inuit communities, Harringtons travels led him around the world from Greenland, through Portugal, Greece, Albania, Russia, Algeria, Egypt and Polynesia.
The high quality of the reproductions is due to the rarely used duotone process, otherwise known as two-tone black. Produced in 1998 but never released due to the death of the publisher, this exceptional testimony to a pioneer photographer is available now for the first time. With a preface by the publisher and travel notes by the photographer. With 175 illustrations