Our Chiefs and Elders: Words and Photographs of Native Leaders by David Neel

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Our Chiefs and Elders: Words and Photographs of Native Leaders by David Neel

4to. pp. 191. profusely illustrated in b/w. bibliography. hardcover boards. dw. Vancouver: UBC Press & University of Washington Press, [1992].


ISBN-10: 0295972173 / ISBN-13: 9780295972176


In Our Chiefs and Elders, David Neel presents us with a magnificent series of images of Native chiefs and elders which sharply contrasts with earlier depictions of Natives as "noble savages" or representatives of a "vanishing race." Neel's photographs of, and conversations with, his own people introduce us to individuals who know who they are and whose comments on the present, coupled with their perspectives from the past, reveal a people with a rich and unique heritage.