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(ONTARIO). (LINCOLN COUNTY). Antique Map of Grimsby Ontario 1876

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Antique Map of Grimsby [Lincoln County, Southern Ontario]

Scale 500 FT. to 1 IN.

14 3/4" x 12" ( 37.8 x 30.5 cm)

antique map (tear to lower margin extending approx.. ½” into the map, staining and few pin holes to margins).

from the Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Counties of Lincoln and Wellington, Ontario, Toronto: 1876.

Several prominent landowners and settlers names and lots are featured, some of which were United Empire Loyalists. These settlers were issued Crown Grants after The American Revolution and included some of the first farmers in Grimsby. The biggest of which featured on this map is W.W. Kitchen & W.W. Kitchen & Sons. At this time, they owned the western portion of Grismby, land called Pleasure Grove, operating The Grimsby Thoroughbred Shorthorn Stock Farm & The Grimsby Fruit Farms.

Other landowners include the Church Of England, Charles Nelles, John Moore, Robert Dolmage, William John Upsdell, William Wilson, J.H. Grout and William Whittaker and B.R. Nelles.

There are printed notes in the left side of William Whitney Kitchen Property from the publisher H.R. Page. The First, states "W.W. Kitchen owns one of the finest prize short horned cattle in America valued at over 100.00 and have won them several first prized at provincial, country and township fairs".

The second publishers note, “Report says that enterprising people emigrate west. But Mr. W.W. Kitchen moved to Canada  from Iowa in 1858, planted his orchard and grapery in 1859, and has sold over 50,000 gallons of native wine. Sold 10,000 in 1873 and over $5,000 worth of fruit in 1874”

Other Landmarks include: St. Andrews Church, Cemetery, C.P. Church, Forty Mill Creek, Grist Mill, St. Patrick’s Church, Carriage Shops, Public School, Grimsby Agricultural Works, Town Hall & High School, Grant House, Baptist Church, Mansion House, M.E. Church, Baptist Church, Grant House, and Great Western Railway and Station Grounds.


~If you're looking for a particular town, city, township or county please contact us and we will let you know what we have.


*Map will be mailed flat and not in a tube. Please contact us if you would prefer to have it rolled

**Custom Framing available! Please contact us for details.