Jeff Koons by Eckhard Schneider & Alison Gingeras

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Jeff Koons by Eckhard Schneider & Alison Gingeras

4to. pp. 134. profusely illustrated. hardcover cloth. dw. Bregenz: Kunsthaus Bregenz, 2002.

New in publisher's shrink wrap.

ISBN-10: 388375515X / ISBN-13: 9783883755151


The man who enshrined a hoover vacuum and a basketball, who created a life-sized polychromed wood replica of Michael Jackson and his pet chimp Bubbles, who transfered his sex life with Italian porn star wife Ilona Staller into art, and who made a monumental topiary sculpture in the shape of a puppy, is back! After a seven-year hiatus from the public eye, bad boy Jeff Koons returns in this comprehensive and overdue survey of his work of the past five years. Three elaborate, highly-produced series are presented, including the joyously effusive "Celebration," an ambitious body of 16 photo-realist paintings and 20 stainless steel sculptures that draw upon the symbols and objects associated with the observance of life's festive rituals.