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Indigena: Contemporary Native Perspectives in Canadian Art

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Indigena: Contemporary Native Perspectives in Canadian Art
Edited by Gerald McMaster and Lee-Ann Martin

4to. pp. 199. colour & b/w illustrations. hardcover boards. dw. (in fine, as new condition). [Roseville East]: Craftsman House, [1992].

ISBN-10: 9768097345 / ISBN-13: 9789768097347


In Indigena, Native Canadians address historical injustice with passion and clarity, while offering hope for the future. Eight writers and nineteen visual artists respond to the five hundredth anniversary of Columbus's landfall to the Americas, offering sharp counterpoint to the overused and inaccurate theme of "discovery", and celebrating both diversity and cultural tenacity.

The work in this book has been created especially for the Canadian Museum of Civilation exhibition, INDIGENA.