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Hamptons Bohemia: Two Centuries of Artists and Writers on the Beach by Helen A. Harrison & Constance Ayers Denne

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Hamptons Bohemia: Two Centuries of Artists and Writers on the Beach by Helen A. Harrison & Constance Ayers Denne
Foreword by Edward Albee


4to. pp. 176. profusely illustrated in colour & b/w. map illustrated endleaves. hardcover. dw. (fine condition). San Francisco: Chronicle Books, [2002].

ISBN-10: 0811833763 / ISBN-13: 9780811833769 


For more than two centuries, the Hamptons have been home to a vibrant community of artists and writers, lured by the golden dunes, refreshing breezes, radiant landscapes, and frequent visits from the Muse. It was here that Winslow Homer painted bathers and strollers on the ocean beach and Lee Krasner created her Earth Series in a cramped studio shared with her husband, Jackson Pollock. From Herman Melville to F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck to George Plimpton, these are just a few of the gifted figures to draw inspiration from this famous and fashionable retreat. Richly illustrated with archival photos and reproductions of the artists' work,Hamptons Bohemia chronicles the evolution of a community and the colorful characters who have inhabited it.