Greg Curnoe: Life and Stuff Edited by Dennis Reid and Matthew Teitelbaum

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Greg Curnoe: Life and Stuff
Edited by Dennis Reid and Matthew Teitelbaum
Essays by Sarah Milroy and Dennis Reid

4to. pp. 207. profusely illustrated. biblio. bds. dw. Vancouver & Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre [in association with] Art Gallery of Ontario, [2001].


ISBN-10: 1550548352 / ISBN-13: 9781550548358

Published in conjunction with Greg Curnoe: Life & Stuff at the Art Gallery of Ontario March 9 to June 17, 2001.


This is the first book-length study of the vibrant work and life of the celebrated London, Ontario, artist Greg Curnoe

Greg Curnoe was known as a Canadian nationalist -more specifically, as a regionalist - which was reflected in his abiding belief in the importance of working with and from a particular locale. He found, meticulously explored and recorded his place in his small southwestern Ontario city as painter, family man, ardent amateur historian, irreverent native son and endlessly curious intellect. Known also as charismatic personality, Curnoe had the kind of generous and intense engagement with everything around him that parked inspiration in others. From his base in London, he created a body of work notable for its exuberant energy and fearless self-revelation, for its effervescent, saturated colour and deep involvement with questions of personal consequence and meaning.