General Idea Editions 1967-1995 by Barbara Fischer

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General Idea Editions 1967-1995
Edited by Barbara Fischer
Text by Barbara Fischer, AA Bronson, Jean-Christophe Amman, Fern Bayer, Lionel Bovier, Cathy Busby, Christophe Cheriz, Joshua Decter, Diedrich Diederichsen, Mike Kelley, John Miller, Philip Monk & Stephan Trescher

8vo. pp. 320. profusely illustrated. exhibition history. bibliography. index. paperback wrs. (fine condition). [Toronto]: Blackwood Gallery, [2003].

Catalogue Raisonne.

Rare & Out-of-print.

ISBN-10: 0772782067 / ISBN-13: 9780772782069


Exhibition Catalogue published in conjunction with an exhibitionat the Blackwood Gallery at the University of Toronto Mississauga campus that ran January 16 - February 16, 2003.

Pioneers of media-based practices, General Ideas work involved everyday promotional culture and evolved into high gloss advertising. General Idea editions form a discourse that established the groups broader themes: the role of the media, the dissemination of marginalized identities, and the devaluation of originality and artistic genius. Masters of appropriation, General Idea bent popular icons to their own needs, transforming bastions of Americana such as LIFE Magazine and beauty pageants into vehicles for subverting the cultures reigning values.