Dream Street: W. Eugene Smith's Pittsburgh Project by Sam Stephenson

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Dream Street: W. Eugene Smith's Pittsburgh Project Edited by Sam Stephenson
with an essay by Alan Trachtenberg

4to. pp. 176. profusely illustrated. wrs. New York & London: Lyndhurst Books in association with W.W. Norton Company, [2001].

Published on the occasion of an exhibition organized by the Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh with the participation of the Collection and W. Eugene Smith Archive at the Center for Creative Photography, The University of Arizona.


ISBN-10: 0393325121 / ISBN-13: 9780393325126

In 1955, having just ended his high-profile but stormy career with Life magazine by resigning, W. Eugene Smith was commissioned to spend three weeks in Pittsburgh and produce one hundred photographs for noted journalist and author Stefan Lorant's book commemorating the city's bicentennial. Smith stayed a year, compiling nearly seventeen thousand photographs for what would be the most ambitious photographic essay of his life. But only fragments of the work was ever seen, despite Smith's lifelong conviction that it was his greatest set of photographs. Now, in an astonishing, first-time assemblage of the core images Smith asserted were the "synthesis of the whole," we see a portrayal not only of Pittsburgh but also of mid-century, postwar America.