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Design & Build Your Dream Home by Elizabeth Wilhide

Regular price $70.00

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Design & Build Your Dream Home by Elizabeth Wilhide

4to. pp. 176. profusely illustrated. index. hardcover. dw. (fine condition). [London]: Conran Octopus, [2005].

ISBN-10: 1840914211 / ISBN-13: 9781840914214 


It’s possible to turn the dream into reality: to design and build a house tailored to your own desired specifications. Demonstrating both the scope and innovation possible in such a project, this eye-opening guide provides inspiration to meet the exciting challenges involved and reap the wonderful rewards of a bespoke home. It illustrates a variety of architectural approaches—from cutting-edge modern to traditional—catering to a range of budgets. All the options are presented, including prefabs and kit houses, with a look at different structural systems and materials, as well as the financial, legal, ecological, and practical issues. Most breathtaking of all: a showcase of 15 gorgeous self-built homes, from urban developments in London and Los Angeles to rural retreats in Australia, Spain, and the Netherlands.