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Cape Dorset Sculpture by Derek Norton & Nigel Reading

Regular price $35.00

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Cape Dorset Sculpture by Derek Norton & Nigel Reading
Introduction by Terry Ryan
Photographs by Kenji Nagai

4to. pp. 136. profusely illustrated. artist biographies. bibliography. paperback wrs. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, [2005].


ISBN-10: 1553650883 / ISBN-13: 9781553650881


Cape Dorset Sculpture is an extraordinary collection of 71 outstanding works of contemporary stone sculpture, accented with several related graphics, assembled by the Spirit Wrestler Gallery in collaboration with the West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative in Cape Dorset, Nunavut.

This new collection showcases the community that has had the single greatest impact on the worldwide recognition of Inuit art. Included are contemporary works by 44 leading artists, many of whom were instrumental in shaping the look and direction that Inuit art has taken over the past fifty years, plus pieces from the second- and third-generation sculptors they have inspired. Also shown are a dozen works from the early days. The introduction by Terry Ryan and text by Derek Norton and Nigel Reading provide an overview of the story of art in Cape Dorset.