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Astrology in Medieval Manuscripts by Sophie Page

Regular price $35.00

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Astrology in Medieval Manuscripts by Sophie Page

12mo. pp. 127. profusely illustrated. glossary. bibliography. index. boards. dw. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, [2002].


ISBN-10: 0802085113 / ISBN-13: 981487502959

In the Middle Ages the art of predicting earthly events and human characteristics from the movements of the stars and planets was a scientific branch of learning with a philosophical basis. Its influence extended to natural philosophy and cosmology, medicine, agriculture, weather-forecasting and alchemy. Yet astrology was never an entirely acceptable practice, attracting both religious and scientific objections. These ambivalent medieval attitudes are just one aspect of this wide-ranging and clearly-written account of astrological ideas and practices in medieval society, comprehensively illustrated from a wide range of manuscripts.