Andy Warhol Campbell's Soup Boxes by Itzhak Goldberg
4to. pp. 114. English & French text. profusely illustrated. boards. dust wrapper. Paris & Salzburg: Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, 2000.
Published on the occasion of an exhibition
Published on the occasion of an exhibition
ISBN-10: 3901935088 / ISBN-13: 9783901935084
Practically everyone recognizes the Campbell's Tomato Soup Can images by Andy Warhol that have come to define American Pop Art. Less well known, but equally intriguing, is another part of Warhol's Campbell's oeuvre: the Campbell's soup boxes, which he made during the mid-1980s using paint, silkscreen, and drawing to render these boxes in his inimitable style. Warhol, whose fascination with advertising and consumerism was born of his early career as a commercial artist, took as his inspiration the endlessly replicated images of modern branding, and thus helped to create and define the major art movement of recent decades. This volume, with an essay tracing Warhol's history with Campbell's, reproduces more than 60 of Warhol's Campbell's Soup Box pieces, and as such, adds to the growing documentation of this towering presence in 20th-century art.