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Voyages Chez Différentes Nations Sauvages De L’Amérique Septentrionale by John Long

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LONG, J[ohn] [fl. 1768-1791]. Voyages Chez Différentes Nations Sauvages De L’Amérique Septentrionale…Traduits De L'Anglois, avec des notes & additions intéressantes, par J.B.L.J. Billecocq. 8vo. pp. 2 p.l., xxxvi, 320. complete with half-title. folding engraved map. old half calf, rebacked (clean tear in last leaf – no loss, marginal stain & small hole to half-title, lower outer edge of last few leaves bit ragged). Paris: Prault l’aîné, Imprimeur & Fuchs, Libraire, [1794]. 


    First Edition of the French Translation, with First Nations vocabularies omitted. “Long came to Canada in 1768, lived for a time on the Caughnawaga mission, and fought among the pro-British Indians in the American revolutionary war. He travelled and traded throughout the Upper Country, about Hudson Bay, and returned penniless to England in 1788. His is a graphic record of Indian life and customs and of conditions in the fur trade during the furious competition of the Montreal traders among themselves and with the Hudson’s Bay Co.” (TPL)

    Gagnon I 2144. Howe L-443. Lande 544. Leclerc 43. Sabin 41879. TPL 4759. Bell III 184. Morgan p. 234. Vlach 491. JCB 3667. Cox II 164. Story p. 467. Winsor VI p. 649.