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Gijig-Anang Mekateokonaie S.J. O Gagikwewinan by Gaston André Artus

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ARTUS, Gaston André] [1858-1946]. Gijig-Anang Mekateokonaie S.J. O Gagikwewinan… 24mo. pp. 230, [1]. Ojibway text. frontis. & 5 other full-page illus. original quarter cloth (joints partly frayed). Tours: Imprimerie A. Mame Et Fils, 1898.                                                                                                     


    First Edition. A collection of sermons on lying, child rearing, envy, jealousy, laziness, and alcoholism. Artus was a Jesuit missionary to the Ojibway of Wikwemikong, a reserve on Manitoulin Island. The foreword is by T. Filiatrault, Superior of the Canadian Jesuit Missions at Wikwemikong. Only 4 copies are located in Canadian institutions by Voilà. It appears that no other editions were published.

    Banks p. 137. Not in Evans.