Butterfly Beautifly Beautiful: Nature Poems by Paul Leet Aird
8vo. pp. 122. illustrated. index. wrs. Inglewood: Inglewood Nature Press, [2021].
ISBN-13: 9781771369763
From the author of Loon Laughter: Ecological Fables and Nature Tales come from the collected nature poems of Paul Aird. Inspired by some 60 years of observing and experiencing the natural world as a conservationist, forest scientist and professor, Aird takes us along on his nature travels throughout Canada and shares his impressions through poetry. He writes at times with humour and whimsy, at others with deep concern about humans' impact on the environment. From the extinction of the Great Auk to the beauty of the lone Jack Pine, from humans hurting loons, bears and moose to expressions of love for all wild creatures, Aird's poetry displays an abiding respect for nature.