Vincent Van Gogh: 1853-1890 by Jorn Hetebrugge

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Vincent Van Gogh: 1853-1890 by Jorn Hetebrugge

folio. pp. 224. profusely illustrated. 2 fold-out illustrations. bibliography. index. hardcover boards. dw. Bath...: Parragon, 2008.

ISBN-10: 1407542737 / ISBN-13: 9781407542737


By means of over two-hundred magnificent reproductions, this volume presents the entire spectrum of van Gogh's art, sheds light on all facets of his work, and tells the passionate story of the life of this sensitive observer. Excursions dealing with special aspects of his work, as well as an extensive timeline that places his biography in the historical and cultural context of the nineteenth century, round out the presentation.